Shape of the Earth
In early times, people believed that the earth was flat. For centuries, men were afraid to venture out too far, for fear of falling off the edge!
Sir Francis Drake was the first person who proved that the earth is not flat but rather it is spherical when he completed his sail around the earth in 1580, which he had started in 1577.
However, today we know that the earth is not exactly round like a ball, but it is geo-spherical, i.e. it is flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.
"And after that He (God) made the earth, egg-shaped."
[Al Qur'an 79:30]
The Arabic word for egg-shaped here is ‘dahaahaa’ which usually refers to Ostrich-egg. The shape of an Ostrich-egg is also geo-spherical!

The Holy Qur’an correctly describes the shape of the earth, though the prevalent notion when the Holy Qur’an was revealed was that the earth was flat.
Another point worth noting is that the earth's orbit around the sun is also shaped like an egg!

Who could have mentioned these things in the Qur'an, which we have discovered in recent times, more than 1400 years ago??